
Quotes Of The Day

"Quotes Of The Day..."

"A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are hooked  first."

-  Chanakya quotes(Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

SSC Section Officers (Commercial Audit) Exam., 2009 : English Solved paper

SSC Section Officers (Commercial Audit) Exam., 2009 : English Solved paper

SSC Section Officers (Commercial Audit) Exam., 2009 : English Solved paper
(Held On 14–6–2009)

Directions—(Q. 1–10) Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence and indicate it by choosing the appropriate alternative.
1. That which would burn easily.
(A) Incendiary
(B) Incantatory
(C) Inflammable
(D) Incandescent
Ans : (C)
2. Place of gathering for public discussion.
(A) Platform
(B) Dias
(C) Stage
(D) Forum
Ans : (D)
3. An addition to the end of a letter.
(A) Post script
(B) Prelude
(C) Post natal
(D) Post mortem
Ans : (A)
4. Young cow that has not yet had a calf.
(A) Cowlet
(B) Colt
(C) Ewe
(D) Heifer
Ans : (D)
5. A mournful song (or poem) for the dead.
(A) Ballad
(B) Dirge
(C) Ode
(D) Lyric
Ans : (B)
6. The dead skin cast off by a snake.
(A) Bough
(B) Slough
(C) Peeling
(D) Borough
Ans : (B)
7. Science dealing with bird life.
(A) Zymology
(B) Ornithology
(C) Etymology
(D) Philology
Ans : (B)
8. One who is from 60 to 69 years old.
(A) Sexton
(B) Sexologist
(C) Sexagenarian
(D) Sextuplet
Ans : (C)
9. Someone who keeps bees.
(A) Apiarist
(B) Horticulturist
(C) Ornithologist
(D) Pathologist
Ans : (A)
10. Speaking one’s thoughts aloud to oneself.
(A) Apostrophise
(B) Memorise
(C) Soliloquize
(D) Solemnise
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 11–15) In the following questions, groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is wrongly spelt. Find the misspelt word and indicate your correct response.
11. (A) Unaccompanied
(B) Unaccustomed
(C) Unadopted
(D) Unaloyed
Ans : (D)
12. (A) Boutique
(B) Physique
(C) Opaque
(D) Obleeque
Ans : (D)
13. (A) Admitting
(B) Budgetting
(C) Preferring
(D) Travelling
Ans : (B)
14. (A) Torpedoes
(B) Mosquitoes
(C) Pianoes
(D) Tomatoes
Ans : (C)
15. (A) Malignity
(B) Malodorus
(C) Malfeasance
(D) Malevolent
Ans : (B)
Directions—(Q. 16–20) In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which BEST EXPRESSES the meaning of the idiom/phrase and indicate your correct alternative.
16. When the boy was put into a boarding school, he quickly fell into line without his usual tantrums and indisciplined behaviour.
(A) stood in a line
(B) turned straight
(C) failed to behave properly
(D) became orderly
Ans : (D)
17. By his virtuous life, he has made amends for his past actions.
(A) repented for
(B) compensated for
(C) forgotten about
(D) suffered for
Ans : (A)
18. He read for the bar.
(A) studied to become a barrister
(B) studied to become a barman
(C) studied to become a judge
(D) studied to become a courtier
Ans : (A)
19. In the field of social service, the Parsis bear the palm.
(A) are the leaders
(B) are the donors
(C) are pre-eminent
(D) are reformers
Ans : (C)
20. He is always trying to curry favour with his boss and does not even maintain his selfrespect.
(A) get obligation from
(B) pick up quarrel with
(C) flatter
(D) take undue advantage from
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 21–30) In the following questions, a part of the sentence is bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B) and (C), which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is (D) and indicate your correct response.
21. How are you going to have your car painted?
I am going to have it red painted.
(A) paint it red
(B) have it painted red
(C) paint red
(D) No improvement
Ans : (B)
22. He is one who gives money or helps others who has been instrumental in the upliftment of many poverty stricken people.
(A) a philosopher
(B) a philatelist
(C) a philanthropist
(D) No improvement
Ans : (C)
23. The job wasn’t interesting, but on the contrary it was wellpaid.
(A) on the whole
(B) on the other side
(C) on the other hand
(D) No improvement
Ans : (A)
24. When those whom he had injured accused him of being a charlatan, he retorted curtly that he had never been a quack.
(A) libertine
(B) sycophant
(C) plagiarist
(D) No improvement
Ans : (D)
25. The postman comes twice a day, don’t he ?
(A) doesn’t he
(B) does he
(C) do he
(D) No improvement
Ans : (A)
26. My boy-friend won me at tennis.
(A) succeeded me
(B) outran me
(C) beat me
(D) No improvement
Ans : (C)
27. It was mere affection that stopped him from beating his son.
(A) great
(B) much
(C) filial
(D) No improvement
Ans : (C)
28. The British superiority all over Africa and Asia collapsed in the first half of the twentieth century.
(A) domicile
(B) residence
(C) dominion
(D) No improvement
Ans : (C)
29. Did you finish the work yet ?
(A) Had you finished
(B) Haven’t you finished
(C) Would you finish
(D) No improvement
Ans : (B)
30. I’ll tell you as soon as I’ll know.
(A) I would know
(B) I can know
(C) I know
(D) No improvement
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 31–35) In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active Voice/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive Voice/Active Voice and indicate your correct alterntive.
31. This train carries goods from Delhi to Bombay.
(A) This train is carried by goods from Delhi to Bombay.
(B) The goods carry this train from Delhi to Bombay.
(C) Goods are carried by this train from Delhi to Bombay.
(D) The train carried the goods from Delhi to Bombay.
Ans : (C)
32. The news of the success of a poor candidate in the elections surprised him.
(A) He was surprised by the news of the success of a poor candidate in the elections.
(B) He was surprised with the news of the success of a poor candidate in the elections.
(C) He was surprised as a result of the news of the success of a poor candidate in the elections.
(D) He was surprised at the news of the success of a poor candidate in the elections.
Ans : (D)
33. Finish the work in time.
(A) Let the work be finished in time.
(B) Let the work be finished in time by us.
(C) Let the work be finished by him in time.
(D) Let me finish the work in time.
Ans : (A)
34. God helps those who help themselves.
(A) Those who help themselves must be helped by God.
(B) Those who help themselves are helped by God.
(C) Let those who help themselves are helped by God.
(D) Let those who help themselves be helped by God.
Ans : (B)
35. Can you recite this poem ?
(A) This poem can be recited by you.
(B) You are requested to recite this poem.
(C) Would this poem be recited by you ?
(D) Can this poem be recited by you ?
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 36–40) In the following questions first and the last parts of the sentence passage are following questions, numbered (1) and (6). The rest of the sentence/ passage is split into four parts and named (P), (Q), (R) and (S). These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence/ passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct and indicate your correct alternative.
36. 1. For thousands of millions of years the Moon has been going round the Earth.
P. However, some of them will still be going round the Earth thousands of years from now.
Q. These artificial satellites are very much smaller than the Moon.
R. Today, however, the Earth has many other satellites, all made by man.
S. During this time, the Moon has been the only satellite of the Earth.
6. Artificial satellites do not fall because they are going too fast to do so.
(A) P R S Q
(B) Q S R P
(C) S R P Q
(D) S R Q P
Ans : (D)
37. 1. Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first to reach the peak of Mount Everest in 1953.
P. While a Nepalese and a Japanese climber have done it three times, the Italian climber Reinhold Messner
has done it twice.
Q. Some 164 men and women mountaineers from 21 nations have made the ascent.
R. The mountain still continues to enthral.
S. Since then, there has been a succession of climbs.
6. Those wanting to climb Everest must file an application, with the Nepal Tourism Ministry.
(A) P Q R S
(B) S R Q P
(C) S Q P R
(D) S P R Q
Ans : (C)
38. 1. There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil.
P. The samples of soil are examined for traces of oil.
Q. The drill may just miss the oil although it is near.
R. Sometimes, it may strike oil at a fairly high level.
S. When the drill goes down it brings up soil.
6. If they are disappointed at one place, the drillers go to another.
(A) Q P R S
(B) Q R S P
(C) P S R Q
(D) S R Q P
Ans : (C)
39. 1. India is a very old country with a great past.
P. Since August 1947, she had been in a position to pursue her own foreign policy.
Q. But it is a new country also, with new urges and new desires.
R. But even so, she could not forget the lesson of her great leader.
S. She was limited by the realities of the situation which she could not ignore or overcome.
6. She tried to adapt theory to reality.
(A) P Q R S
(B) Q P S R
(C) S R P Q
(D) R S P Q
Ans : (B)
40. 1. Of all the living creatures on the earth, insects are the most plentiful.
P. In some countries, they are farmers greatest enemy.
Q. Locusts are perhaps the most dangerous of all, for they will eat almost any green plant and leave cultivated lands bare.
R. Some varieties are very useful to man, like bees from which we get honey and wax, and silkworms which supply us with silk.
S. Other varieties, however, are extremely harmful and do a great amount of damage, especially to crops.
6. Common flies, cockroaches, termites, mosquitoes and lice are some other insects harmful to man.
(A) P S R Q
(B) S R P Q
(C) R S Q P
(D) Q S R P
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 41–50) In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and indicate corresponding to the appropriate letter (A), (B) or (C). If there is no error, indicate corresponding to the letter (D).
41. Honesty always has and (A) / will always be (B) / a great virtue. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (A)
42. It was irony (A) / that while he was trying to help his neighbours (B) / his own house was burnt to the ground. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (A)
43. If we can work (A) / slow and steady (B) / we can finish by noon. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (B)
44. Besides his children (A) / there were present (B) / his nephews and nieces. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (A)
45. How do you manage to speak (A) / to her with (B) / so great patience. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (C)
46. He not only cheated (A) / his friends, (B) / but also his parents. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (A)
47. By this time next year (A) / Ramesh will take (B) / his university degree. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (B)
48. I slept (A) / rather late (B) / last night. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (A)
49. If I saved some money every month (A) / I would be able to buy a vehicle of my choice (B) / in no time. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (C)
50. When I read his book (A) / I implied from it (B) / that he never understood women. (C) No error (D)
Ans : (B)
Directions—(Q. 51–55) In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which BEST EXPRESSES the meaning of the given bold word in CAPITAL LETTERS and indicate your correct alternative.
(A) Weaken
(B) Couple
(C) Double
(D) Repair
Ans : (A)
(A) Genial
(B) Gentle
(C) Gloomy
(D) Idle
Ans : (C)
(A) Drought
(B) Imposition
(C) Flood
(D) Snowfall
Ans : (C)
(A) Novel
(B) Strange
(C) Contemporary
(D) Original
Ans : (D)
(A) Proxy
(B) Duplicate
(C) Dummy
(D) Replica
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 56–60) In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one OPPOSITE in meaning to the given bold word in CAPITAL LETTERS and indicate your correct alternative.
(A) Decay
(B) Decline
(C) Worsen
(D) Destroy
Ans : (C)
(A) Careless
(B) Forgiving
(C) Heedless
(D) Refined
Ans : (B)
(A) Curiosity
(B) Ferocity
(C) Impetuosity
(D) Animosity
Ans : (D)
(A) Vomit
(B) Reject
(C) Emit
(D) Eject
Ans : (A)
(A) Virtuous
(B) Honest
(C) Perfect
(D) Humble
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 61–70) In these questions, in the following passage, some of the words have been left out and the blanks have been numbered from 61 to 70. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Indicate your correct alternative.
The inevitable effect of mechanical production is uniformity, and although uniformity may lead to monotony, it need not lack beauty. In fact, modern improvement in popular …(61)… is mainly the result of better design …(62)… standardised, goods; and the average …(63)… is buying better design goods, because those goods are …(64)…, because the problem of taste has been …(65)… for him. Good taste is not always …(66)… and most people manage to get …(67)… without it. It is fortunate therefore, that so many of the …(68)… of life are now chosen for us by …(69)…. Even among luxuries, the margin for …(70)… taste is constantly being reduced.
61. (A) craft
(B) technology
(C) ideas
(D) taste
Ans : (D)
62. (A) on
(B) of
(C) in
(D) for
Ans : (B)
63. (A) shopper
(B) client
(C) man
(D) businessman
Ans : (A)
64. (A) gaudy
(B) accessible
(C) reliable
(D) durable
Ans : (A)
65. (A) tackled
(B) simplified
(C) resolved
(D) solved
Ans : (C)
66. (A) genuine
(B) laboured
(C) impulsive
(D) inborn
Ans : (D)
67. (A) ahead
(B) along
(C) through
(D) around
Ans : (C)
68. (A) amenities
(B) comforts
(C) luxuries
(D) necessities
Ans : (A)
69. (A) connoisseurs
(B) artists
(C) experts
(D) scientists
Ans : (A)
70. (A) local
(B) particular
(C) impersonal
(D) personal
Ans : (D)
Directions—(Q. 71–75) In the following questions, you have a brief passage with five questions following the passage. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and indicate your correct alternative.
Comprehension Passage
No one can seriously pretend to remain unaffected by advertisements. it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the solicitous overtures to buy this or that article that fill our streets, newspapers and magazines. Even in the sanctity of our living rooms, advertisers are waiting to pounce on their helpless victims as they tune into their favourite radio or television programmes. In time, no matter how hard we resist, clever little tunes and
catch-phrases seep into our subconscious minds and stay there. Though they seem so varied, all these advertisements have one thing in common; they make strong appeals to our emotions.
71. The word ‘sanctity’ means—
(A) sacredness
(B) privacy
(C) privilege
(D) security
Ans : (B)
72. Which one of the following lines best expresses the meaning of the first sentence in the passage ?
(A) All men are influenced by advertisements
(B) Most men are influenced by advertisements
(C) Some men are not influenced by advertisements
(D) Advertisements cannot influence everybody
Ans : (A)
73. To turn a blind eye — its opposite meaning is to—
(A) perceive
(B) view
(C) visualise
(D) sight
Ans : (A)
74. The ‘helpless victims’ are the—
(A) public
(B) spectators
(C) audience
(D) sellers
Ans : (A)
75. Advertisements are successful when we respond to them—
(A) Intellectually
(B) Blindly
(C) Helplessly
(D) Emotionally
Ans : (D)

Computer Awareness For Bank PO Exams

1. All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT:
A. hackers.
B. spam.
C. viruses.
D. identity theft.
Answer: B
2. A process known as ____________ is used by large retailers to study trends.
A. data mining
B. data selection
D. data conversion
Answer: A
3. ____________terminals (formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to complex inventory and sales computer systems.
A. Data
B. Point-of-sale (POS)
C. Sales
D. Query
Answer: B
4. A(n) ____________ system is a small, wireless handheld computer that scans an item’s tag and pulls up the current price (and any special offers) as you shop.
C. inventory
D. data mining
Answer: A
5. The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal’s computer is an example of a law enforcement specialty called:
A. robotics.
B. simulation.
C. computer forensics.
D. animation.
Answer: C
6. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer?
A. gathering data
B. processing data into information
C. analyzing the data or information
D. storing the data or information
Answer: C
7. ____________ tags, when placed on an animal, can be used to record and track in a database all of the animal’s movements.
Answer: B
8. Surgeons can perform delicate operations by manipulating devices through computers instead of manually. This technology is known as:
A. robotics.
B. computer forensics.
C. simulation.
D. forecasting.
Answer: A
9. Technology no longer protected by copyright, available to everyone, is considered to be:
A. proprietary.
B. open.
C. experimental.
D. in the public domain.
Answer: A
10. ____________ is the study of molecules and structures whose size ranges from 1 to 100 nanometers.
A. Nanoscience
B. Microelectrodes
C. Computer forensics
D. Artificial intelligence
Answer: A
11. ____________ is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do.
A. Nanoscience
B. Nanotechnology
C. Simulation
D. Artificial intelligence (AI)
Answer: D
12. ____________ is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion.
A. A process
B. Software
C. Storage
D. Information
Answer: D
13. The name for the way that computers manipulate data into information is called:
A. programming.
B. processing.
C. storing.
D. organizing.
Answer: B
14. Computers gather data, which means that they allow users to ____________ data.
A. present
B. input
C. output
D. store
Answer: B
15. After a picture has been taken with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the actual print of the picture is considered:
A. data.
B. output.
C. input.
D. the process.
Answer: B
16. Computers use the ____________ language to process data.
A. processing
B. kilobyte
C. binary
D. representational
Answer: C
17. Computers process data into information by working exclusively with:
A. multimedia.
B. words.
C. characters.
D. numbers.
Answer: D
18. In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made up of a unique combination of:
A. eight bytes.
B. eight kilobytes.
C. eight characters.
D. eight bits.
Answer: D
19. The term bit is short for:
A. megabyte.
B. binary language.
C. binary digit.
D. binary number.
Answer: C
20. A string of eight 0s and 1s is called a:
A. megabyte.
B. byte.
C. kilobyte.
D. gigabyte.
Answer: B
21. A ____________ is approximately one billion bytes.
A. kilobyte
B. bit
C. gigabyte
D. megabyte
Answer: C
22. A ____________ is approximately a million bytes.
A. gigabyte
B. kilobyte
C. megabyte
D. terabyte
Answer: C
23. ____________ is any part of the computer that you can physically touch.
A. Hardware
B. A device
C. A peripheral
D. An application
Answer: A
24. The components that process data are located in the:
A. input devices.
B. output devices.
C. system unit.
D. storage component.
Answer: C
25. All of the following are examples of input devices EXCEPT a:
A. scanner.
B. mouse.
C. keyboard.
D. printer.
Answer: D
26. Which of the following is an example of an input device?
A. scanner
B. speaker
D. printer
Answer: A
27. All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT:
A. hard disk drives.
B. printers.
C. floppy disk drives.
D. CD drives.
Answer: B
28. The ____________, also called the “brains� of the computer, is responsible for processing data.
A. motherboard
B. memory
D. central processing unit (CPU)
Answer: D
29. The CPU and memory are located on the:
A. expansion board.
B. motherboard.
C. storage device.
D. output device.
Answer: B
30. Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of:
A. application software.
B. system software.
C. operating system software.
D. platform software.
Answer: A
31. ____________ is a set of computer programs used on a computer to help perform tasks.
A. An instruction
B. Software
C. Memory
D. A processor
Answer: B
32. System software is the set of programs that enables your computer’s hardware devices and ____________ software to work together.
A. management
B. processing
C. utility
D. application
Answer: D
33. The PC (personal computer) and the Apple Macintosh are examples of two different:
A. platforms.
B. applications.
C. programs.
D. storage devices.
Answer: A
34. Apple Macintoshes (Macs) and PCs use different ____________ to process data and different operating systems.
A. languages
B. methods
D. storage devices
Answer: C
35. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a:
A. network.
B. mainframe.
C. supercomputer.
D. client.
Answer: A
36. Smaller and less expensive PC-based servers are replacing ____________ in many businesses.
A. supercomputers
B. clients
C. laptops
D. mainframes
Answer: D
37. ____________ are specially designed computers that perform complex calculations extremely rapidly.
A. Servers
B. Supercomputers
C. Laptops
D. Mainframes
Answer: B
38. DSL is an example of a(n) ____________ connection.
A. network
B. wireless
C. slow
D. broadband
Answer: D
39. The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the:
A. digital divide.
B. Internet divide.
C. Web divide.
D. broadband divide.
Answer: A
40. ____________ is the science revolving around the use of nanostructures to build devices on an extremely small scale.
A. Nanotechnology
B. Micro-technology
C. Computer forensics
D. Artificial intelligence
Answer: A
41. Which of the following is the correct order of the four major functions of a computer?
A. Process à Output à Input à Storage
B. Input à Outputà Process à Storage
C. Process à Storage à Input à Output
D. Input à Process à Output à Storage
Answer: D
42. ____________ bits equal one byte.
A. Eight
B. Two
C. One thousand
D. One million
Answer: A
43. The binary language consists of ____________ digit(s).
A. 8
B. 2
C. 1,000
D. 1
Answer: B
44. A byte can hold one ____________ of data.
A. bit
B. binary digit
C. character
D. kilobyte
Answer: C
45. ____________ controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer.
A. The platform
B. The operating system
C. Application software
D. The motherboard
Answer: B
46. The operating system is the most common type of ____________ software.
A. communication
B. application
C. system
D. word-processing software
Answer: C
47. ____________ are specially designed computer chips that reside inside other devices, such as your car or your electronic thermostat.
A. Servers
B. Embedded computers
C. Robotic computers
D. Mainframes
Answer: B
48. The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to questions or clicking an icon, are called:
A. instructions.
B. the operating system.
C. application software.
D. the system unit.
Answer: A
49. The two broad categories of software are:
A. word processing and spreadsheet.
B. transaction and application.
C. Windows and Mac OS.
D. system and application.
Answer: D
50. The metal or plastic case that holds all the physical parts of the computer is the:
A. system unit.
C. mainframe.
D. platform.
Answer: A
Fill in the Blank:-
51. Between PCs and Macs, the ____________ is the platform of choice for graphic design and animation.
Answer: Mac

52. The ____________ is the program that manages the hardware of the computer system, including the CPU, memory, storage devices, and input/output devices.
Answer: operating system

53. The type of operating system software you use depends on your computer’s ____________.
Answer: platform

54. ____________software helps you carry out tasks, such as typing a document or creating a spreadsheet.
Answer: Application

55. ____________are the fastest and most expensive computers.
Answer: Supercomputers

56. A ____________ is approximately 1,000 bytes.
Answer: kilobyte

57. Input devices are used to provide the steps and tasks the computer needs to process data, and these steps and tasks are called ____________.
Answer: instructions

58. A computer gathers data, processes it, outputs the data or information, and ____________ the data or information.
Answer: stores

59. The binary language consists of two digits: ____________ and ____________.
Answer: 0 and 1

60. A string of ____________ 0s and 1s is called a byte.
Answer: eight (8)

61. The devices you use to enter data into a computer system are known as ____________ devices.
Answer: input

62. The devices on a computer system that let you see the processed information are known as ____________ devices.
Answer: output

63. ____________ is the set of computer instructions or programs that enables the hardware to perform different tasks.
Answer: Software

64. When you connect to the ____________, your computer is communicating with a server at your Internet service provider (ISP).
Answer: Internet

65. ____________ are computers that excel at executing many different computer programs at the same time.
Answer: Mainframes

66. ____________is the application of computer systems and techniques to gather legal evidence.
Answer: Computer forensics

67. ____________ is the science that attempts to create machines that will emulate the human thought process.
Answer: Artificial intelligence (AI)

68. Macintosh computers use the Macintosh operating system (Mac OS), whereas PCs generally run ____________ as an operating system.
Answer: Microsoft Windows

69. A process known as ____________ tracks trends and allows retailers to respond to consumer buying patterns.
Answer: data mining

70. Hard disk drives and CD drives are examples of ____________ devices.
Answer: storage

71. You would use ____________ software to create spreadsheets, type documents, and edit photos.
Answer: application

72. ____________ are computers that support hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously.
Answer: Mainframes

73. ____________ is the term given to the act of stealing someone’s identity and ruining their credit rating.
Answer: Identity theft

74. Surgeons are using ____________ to guide robots to perform delicate surgery.
Answer: computers

75. Patient ____________ are life-sized mannequins that have a pulse and a heartbeat and respond to procedures just like humans.
Answer: simulators
True and False

76. Currently, the performance of tasks by robots is based on preprogrammed algorithms.
Answer: True

77. Data can be a number, a word, a picture, or a sound.
Answer: True

78. Strictly defined, a computer is a data processing device.
Answer: True

79. The discrepancy between the “haves� and “have-nots� with regard to computer technology is commonly referred to as the digital society.
Answer: False (digital divide)

80. One of the benefits of becoming computer fluent is being a savvy computer user and consumer and knowing how to avoid viruses, the programs that posethreats to computer security.
Answer: True

81. Trend-spotting programs, developed for business, have been used to predict criminal activity.
Answer: True

82. Employers do not have the right to monitor e-mail and network traffic on employee systems used at work.
Answer: False

83. Clicking on an icon with the mouse is a form of giving an instruction to the computer.
Answer: True

84. Output devices store instructions or data that the CPU processes.
Answer: False (memory)

85. The CPU and memory are located on a special circuit board in the system unit called the motherboard.
Answer: True

86. Nanostructures represent the smallest human-made structures that can be built.
Answer: True

87. The main difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that supercomputers are designed to execute a few programs as quickly as possible,whereas mainframes are designed to handle many programs running at the same time (but at a slower pace).
Answer: True

88. Being computer fluent means that you should be able to build a computer yourself.
Answer: False

89. Embedded computers are self-contained computer devices that have their own programming and do not receive input.
Answer: True

90. A Web browser is a special device that is installed in your computer that allows it to communicate with other devices on a network.
Answer: False (network adapter)

91. With a wireless network, it is easier to relocate devices.
Answer: True

92. The most common type of memory that the computer uses to process data is ROM.
Answer: False (RAM)

93. Match the following terms with their approximate size:
I. kilobyte A. one million bytes
II. byte B. eight bits
III. gigabyte C. one thousand bytes
IV. megabyte D. one billion bytes
V. terabyte E. one trillion bytes
Answer: C, B, D, A, E

94. Match the following terms with their meanings:
I. printer A. storage device
II. scanner B. output device
III. RAM C. input device
IV. CPU D. a type of memory
V. CD drive E. processor
Answer: B, C, D, E, A

95. Match the following terms with their meanings:
I. mainframe A. the most expensive computers that perform complex calculations extremely rapidly
II. supercomputer B. a computer that provides resources to other computers connected to a network
III. embedded computer C. a large, expensive computer that supports hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously
IV. PDA D. a self-contained computer device that usually performs preprogrammed functions such as temperature control
V. server E. a small mobile computing device
Answer: C, A, D, E, B

96. Match the following terms with their meanings:
I. software A. transforming data into information
II. hardware B. data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion
III. operating system C. any part of the computer that you can physically touch
IV. processing D. a set of computer programs that enables hardware to perform different tasks
V. information E. the most common type of system software, it controls the way in which the computer system functions
Answer: D, C, E, A, B

97. Match the following terms with their meanings:
I. system software A. the set of programs that enables computer hardware devices and application software to work together
II. application software B. the kind of operating system software you will use depends on this
III. platform C. operating system software generally used on PCs
IV. Microsoft Windows D. a set of programs used to accomplish a specific task
V. Mac OS E. operating system software used on the Apple Macintosh
Answer: A, D, B, C, E

98. Match the following terms with their meanings:
I. data A. the main circuit board in the system unit
II. memory B. the representation of a fact or idea (unprocessed information)
III. output C. processed data or information
IV. storage D. holds instructions or data that the CPU processes
V. motherboard E. data or information that can be accessed again
Answer: B, D, C, E, A

99. Match the following terms with their meanings:
I. bit A. the science revolving around the use of nanostructures to build devices on an extremely small scale
II. binary language B. the case that contains the system components
III. instructions C. consists of 0s and 1s
IV. system unit D. short for binary digit
V. nanotechnology E. steps and tasks necessary to process data into usable information
Answer: D, C, E, B, A

100. Match the following fields to the related computer technology:
I. medicine A. Internet research and virtual tours
II. business B. data mining
III. law enforcement C. robotics and simulation
IV. education D. computer forensics
V. archeology E. digital recreations of ruins
Answer: C, B, D, A, E

Bank of India Probationary Officers Exam 2010

Bank of India Probationary Officers Exam 2010
(Held on 24-1-2010)

General Awareness on Current Developments : Solved Question Paper
1. The President of the Palestine recently emphasized that his country will not resume peace talks until Israel fully halts settlement building in the—
(A) West Bank
(B) Haifa
(C) Gaza
(D) Tel-Aviv-Yafo
(E) Jerusalem
Ans : (A)
2. All the major world leaders gathered in Berlin in Nov. 2009 to mark the 20th anniversary of—
(A) European Union
(C) Fall of Berlin Wall
(D) G-20
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
3. Now almost all major newspaper journals and magazines are printing research reports giving the analysis and/or the causes of the sub-prime crisis which gripped America and the world a few months back. Which of the following was/were amongst the common cause(s) of the same ?
(They were present in almost all the economies)
(1) The problem was that investors erroneously believed property prices were quite predictable and built a whole edifice of financial planning on the back of the American housing market.
(2) Credit rating agencies all over the world were not equipped to forecast the effect of sub-prime crisis on world economy. Agencies were over-confident and did not react in time.
(3) Neither USA nor other countries took a note of the crisis in time. In fact they ignored it for quite some time.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1, 2 and 3
(E) Only 1 and 2
Ans : (A)
4. If you see a big hoarding at a prominent public place, the punch line of which says ‘We All Were Born Free’; ‘We All Have Equal Rights’, in all probability, the hoarding is put up by—
(A) National Commission for Farmers
(B) National Human Rights Commission
(C) Directorate of Income Tax
(D) Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(E) Union Public Service Commission
Ans : (B)
5. Nowadays we frequently read news items about ‘Derivatives’ as used in the world of finance and money market. Which of the following statement(s) correctly describes what a derivative is and how it affects money/finance markets ?
(1) Derivatives enable individuals and companies to insure themselves against financial risk.
(2) Derivatives are like fixed deposits in a bank and are the safest way to invest one’s idle money lying in a bank.
(3) Derivatives are the financial instruments which were used in India even during the British Raj.
(A) Only 3
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 1
(D) All 1, 2 and 3
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
6. Many a time we read in the newspapers that RBI has changed or revised a particular ratio/rate by a few basis points. What is basis point ?
(A) Ten per cent of one hundredth point
(B) One hundredth of 1%
(C) One hundredth of 10%
(D) Ten per cent of 1000
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
7. Which of the following issues cannot come under the purview of the functioning of the Human Rights Commission of a country ?
(A) Racial Discrimination
(B) Treatment to Prisoners of War
(C) Human Trafficking
(D) Child Abuse
(E) Climate Migration
Ans : (E)
8. A prominent international weekly sometime ago printed a caption on its cover page which read ‘Brazil Takes Off’. Other major newspapers/magazines also printed similar stories/articles in their publications at that time. Why have magazines/newspapers decided to talk about Brazil these days ?
(1) All major economies of the world have been taking time to recover from the recession but Brazil was one of those which was ‘Last in and First out’.
(2) Brazil is a member of BRIC but unlike China it is a democracy, unlike India, it has no hostile neighbours, no insurgents and unlike Russia it exports more oil and arms and treats foreign investors with more respect.
(3) Brazil is the world’s second largest booming economy.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1, 2 and 3
(E) Only 1 and 2
Ans : (A)
9. Which of the following countries has conferred the honour of ‘Legion d’ honneur’ on Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar ?
(A) Germany
(B) Norway
(C) Japan
(D) U.K.
(E) France
Ans : (E)
10. Expand the term NREGA—
(A) National Rural Employment Guarantee Agency
(B) National Rural Electrification Governing Agency
(C) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(D) New Rural Employment Guarantee Agency
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
11. The Rajya Sabha has recently cleared the new poll bill. Which one of the following amendment(s) is/are made in this bill ?
It has proposed—
(A) Increasing the security deposits to more than double
(B) Restricting the publication of exit polls
(C) Ensuring speedy disposal of electoral disputes
(D) Only (A) and (B)
(E) All (A), (B) and (C)
Ans : (D)
12. The market in which long term securities such as stocks and bonds are bought and sold is commonly known as—
(A) Commodities Exchange
(B) Capital Market
(C) Bull Market
(D) Bullion Market
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
13. Which one of the following was India’s top destination for exports during 2009 ?
(C) Russia
(D) China
(E) Bangladesh
Ans : (A)
14. Which one of the following will be the first High Court in India, to implement the concept of ‘ecourts’ ?
(A) Delhi
(B) A.P.
(C) Chennai
(D) Kolkata
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
15. Amongst the following, which one of the following sectors provides the highest contribution in Industrial Production Index ?
(A) Crude Oil
(B) Petro Refinery Products
(C) Electricity
(D) Coal
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
16. Amongst the following sectors, which sector/segment has shown the highest per cent growth in the current fiscal ?
(A) Mining
(B) Manufacturing
(C) Electricity, gas and water supply
(D) Banking and Finance
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
17. As per the reports published in newspapers, India purchased around 200 tonnes of gold (almost half the quantity of gold put up for sale) in Sept. 2009. India purchased this gold from which of the following organizations ?
(A) World Bank
(B) Asian Development Bank
(C) International Monetary Fund
(D) International Gold Council
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
18. World Trade Organisation (WTO)’s ministerial meeting was organized in which of the following cities recently ?
(A) Geneva
(B) Washington
(C) Paris
(D) Port of Spain
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
19. In which one of the following countries, was the recent Commonwealth Meet (CHOGAM) held ?
(A) Trinidad
(B) Canada
(C) Australia
(D) Jamaica
(E) U.K.
Ans : (A)
20. Which of the following decisions taken by the RBI will promote the concept of financial inclusion in the country ?
(A) To appoint some additional entities as business correspondents
(B) To collect reasonable service charges from the customer in a transparent manner for providing the services.
(C) To ask the banks to open at least 50 new accounts daily in non serviced areas.
(D) Only (A) and (B)
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
21. For recapitalization of Public Sector Banks, the World Bank has decided to provide funds to India. These funds will be made available in the form of—
(A) Soft Loan
(B) Term Loan
(C) Emergency aid
(D) Grants
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
22. Citizens of which one of he following age-groups (in years) are covered under the New Pension System (NPS) ?
(A) 18–50
(B) 21–55
(C) 25–55
(D) 18–60
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
23. Which one of the following is the objective of the flagship scheme ‘Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana’ (RSBY) ?
(A) To provide life insurance cover to rural households
(B) To provide health insurance cover to rural households
(C) To provide both life and health insurance cover to rural household
(D) To provide life and health insurance covers only to people living below poverty line
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
24. Which one of the following had set up the N. R. Narayana Murthy Committee on issues relating to Corporate Governance ?
(D) Ministry of Finance, GOI
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
25. The proceeds of the disinvestment of profitable public sector units will be used for which of the following purposes ?
(A) Expansion of existing capacity of PSEs
(B) Modernisation of PSEs
(C) Opening of new PSEs
(D) Meeting the expenditure for various social sector schemes
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
26. Which one of the following is the target fixed for fiscal deficit in the year 2010-2011 ?
(A) 3•5%
(B) 4•0%
(C) 5•5%
(D) 5•0%
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
27. Which one of the following companies is the largest producer of natural gas in the country ?
(C) Cairn India
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
28. Which one of the following states has sought a package of Rs. 500 crores ($ 100 million) for its Rural Poverty Reduction Programme ?
(A) M.P.
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) A.P.
(D) Karnataka
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
29. Chinese objections have stalled the road work at the village of Demchok, on the Indian side of the line of control. In which one of the following states is this village located ?
(A) Arunachal Pradesh
(B) Assam
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Rajasthan
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
30. Constitutionally, which one of the following can levy Service Tax ?
(A) Union Govt. only
(B) State Govt. only
(C) Union Territory Govt. only
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
31. In the proposed low cost pension scheme, which one of the following has been made responsible for maintaining of the records of pension account of an individual ?
(B) National Securities Depositories Ltd. (NSDL)
(C) Stock Holding Corporation of India
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
32. Which one of the following is/are implication(s) of large inflow of foreign exchange into the country ?
1. It makes monetary management difficult for RBI.
2. It creates money supply, asset bubbles and inflation.
3. It weakens the competitiveness of Indian exports.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Only 1 and 3
(E) All 1, 2 and 3
Ans : (B)
33. The Central Banks of which one of the following countries has offered $ 115 billion emergency credit to support its economy hit by falling prices and also to strengthen its currency ?
(A) South Korea
(B) Japan
(C) U.K.
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
34. Which of the following books is written by Chetan Bhagat ?
(A) The Golden Gate
(B) A House for Mr. Biswas
(C) 2 States
(D) White Tiger
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
35. NTPC Ltd. is in the process of exploring opportunities to source coal from overseas. In which one of the following countries has the NTPC identified two new coal mines ?
(A) Bhutan
(B) Australia
(C) South Korea
(D) Indonesia
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
36. Which of the following organizations has raised its loan amount to India to make it US $ 7 billion in 2009-10 fiscal ?
(A) Asian Development Bank
(B) International Monetary Fund
(C) World Bank
(D) European Union
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
37. Who amongst the following cricket players became the first to score 17000 runs in One Day Internationals ?
(A) Rahul Dravid
(B) Stephen Fleming
(C) Ricky Ponting
(D) Sachin Tendulkar
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
38. The Govt. of India has decided to use the Core Banking System of banks to ensure proper usage of funds provided for which of its following programmes ?
(A) Literacy Mission
(B) Pradhanmantri Gram Sadak Yojana
(C) National Health Mission
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)
39. Famous Dada Saheb Phalke Award is given for exemplary work in the field of—
(A) Sports
(B) Literature
(C) Science & Technology
(D) Social Service
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)
40. The Reverse Mortgage Scheme was launched by some organizations a few years back. This was done to help which of the following sections of society ?
(A) Beneficiaries of the NREGA
(B) People living Below Poverty Line
(C) Youngsters
(D) Senior Citizens
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
41. The organization of the South East Asian countries is known as—
Ans : (B)
42. ‘Miss Earth 2009’ title has been conferred upon—
(A) Alejandra Pedrajas
(B) Sandra Saifert
(C) Jessica Barboza
(D) Larissa Ramos
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
43. Which of the following countries became the third largest producer of Steel in the world in 2009 ?
(A) China
(B) India
(D) Japan
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
44. The Foreign Trade policy is announced recently by the Govt. of India. Which of the following ministries/agencies announce the same ?
(A) Reserve Bank of India
(B) Export Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank)
(C) Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(D) Ministry of Commerce & Industry
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)
45. Irina Bokova has taken over as the Chief of the—
Ans : (E)
46. Dorjee Khandu has taken over as the Chief Minister of—
(A) Meghalaya
(B) Uttarakhand
(C) Arunachal Pradesh
(D) Assam
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
47. Which of the following terms is used in the game of Football ?
(A) Caddy
(B) Cutback
(C) Mid-on
(D) Love
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
48. Which of the following is considered a Non Food Crop ?
(A) Wheat
(B) Maize
(C) Bajra
(D) Rice
(E) Jute
Ans : (E)
49. Who amongst the following was the Prime Minister of Nepal immediately prior to Madhav Kumar Nepal ?
(A) Ram Baran Yadav
(B) Pushpakamal Dahal
(C) Girija Prasad Koirala
(D) Mahendra Kumar Suryavanshi
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)
50. The 10th India-European Summit was held in New Delhi in November 2009. Who amongst the following represented India and also chaired the same ?
(A) S. M. Krishna
(B) Pratibha Patil
(C) Pranab Mukherjee
(D) Manmohan Singh
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)